Thoughts to Start 2021


And just like that, the shitty year that was 2020 is gone. Since it’s now a new year, it should be a new beginning but I don’t feel like it will be the case for 2021. I don’t think we’re out of the woods yet.

I was told at the beginning of 2020 that it would be a year of change and damn, change it did. Some of the changes I expected but some I didn’t.

I have known for a very long while now that I’m living a very eventful life; simply because of the era I was born in. I have been lucky enough to live in a time of some historical moments (9/11, crossing the millennium, Presidential terms of Barack & Michelle Obama, seen the era of the late Lee Kuan Yew to name a few). I’m already grateful for the life experiences but little did I know that I would add “living in a global pandemic” into the list.

That said, while being in a global pandemic sucks, it does forces one to re-evaluate one’s life choices and priorities. I don’t believe I’m the only one who went through that state of mind.

In my version, I had to come to terms and acknowledge my reality just before the start of the pandemic. I was on the verge of a physical collapse from all the stress and physical exertions relating to work, attending shitloads of concerts/events and maintaining a blog over the years. Had it not been the pandemic to force me to stop, I would have ended up in a hospital midway through last year.

Fortunately, I was forced by the pandemic to stop before I actually collapsed. I don’t actually regret what happened but but looking back, I should have taken the signs a bit more seriously and not brush it off. While I’m not exactly in a tip top health now, I’m well on the road to recovery and am working hard to get healthy and start running around all over the world screaming at concerts like before. It’s a wishful thinking to an extent for many years to come I know but I’m only human to hope.

Hopefully, I’ll see you all again at some concert somewhere in the world. Please be healthy and stay safe in the meantime.

Happy new year!

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